— Your tickets will remain valid for the new dates
— We will announce the new dates in due course
From Oxxxymiron:
“Dear friends!
To my great regret, I have to postpone the DOLCE VITA tour to 2026 to focus on my health. This was an incredibly difficult decision, and I really hope for your understanding.
Everything will be okay in the end!”
From the tour promoter:
“We understand how much you were looking forward to the concert, and we appreciate your patience and support during this challenging period for the artist.
We look forward to seeing you soon and thank you for your understanding.”

- AGE:16+
18:30 - wejście
20:00 - start
Po ogromnym sukcesie swojej ostatniej światowej trasy koncertowej, Oxxxymiron kontynuuje podróże po Europie i Ameryce Północnej. Nowa trasa rapera, sarkastycznie nazwana Dolce Vita, czyli „słodkie życie”, koncentruje się na poszukiwaniu piękna pośród dzisiejszego egzystencjalnego strachu. W programie znajdą się utwory z całej szesnastoletniej kariery rapera, w tym hity, które nie znalazły się na trasie World Tour. Zapraszamy na emocjonalny rollercoaster świadomego rapu, rapu bitewnego, piosenek miłosnych i klubowych bangerów.
After the huge success of his most recent World Tour, Oxxxymiron continues his travels across Europe and North America. The rapper’s new tour, sarcastically dubbed Dolce Vita, or “sweet life”, centers around finding beauty in the midst of today’s existential dread. The show will feature tracks from the whole span of his sixteen-year-long career, including hits that didn’t make the World Tour. Welcome to an emotional rollercoaster of conscious rap, battle rap, love songs and club bangers.